Whether you’re setting off on a long trip or simply want to share the driving duties, Redspot allows you to add extra drivers to your rental. Bring a friend along, sit back, and enjoy the journey.

You can add as many drivers as there are seats in your rental car. Speak to your Redspot staff at the branch about adding additional drivers to your reservation.

Each additional driver is charged at a flat fee per day of AUD 11.00 (including GST). Redspot will include the hirer’s Spouse or a person living at the same home address as hirer at no additional charge (license address must be the same as hirers).


Am I able to add an Additional Driver while I am on rent?

Yes. If the renter wishes to add an Additional Driver, the renter and potential Additional Driver must both present themselves at a rental location with their valid driver’s license and credit card. The Additional Driver must meet standard rental requirements.

Is the Additional Driver charged per day of my rental, or is it a one-time charge?

Additional Driver is a per day, per person charge.

Can someone else drive a car that I rent?

Yes. An Additional Driver, if added to the rental agreement, may drive the rental vehicle.

Do you charge extra for an additional driver?

Yes, there is an additional charge for each Additional Driver.

What do I need to show to become an additional driver?

To qualify as an Additional Driver, you must meet all standard rental requirements, have a valid credit card and driver’s license in your name.